When Edmund Hillary summited Mount Everest for the first time in human history in 1953, he was not alone.

Sherpas are elite mountain guides. They were key guides for the early explorers of the Himalayan region, guiding them at extreme altitudes, especially for expeditions to conquer Mount Everest.

If you want to conquer your Everest, you can't do it alone. You have to have your Sherpas.

We are there to find them.

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Executive Search | Key Functional Roles

Technology Officers

Technology Officers

Today's business landscape is defined by IT innovation. Companies gain a competitive advantage in the global market through cloud computing, the use of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. What areas should we not omit? The Internet of Things and cybersecurity are other areas where dynamic changes take place. Leadership plays a crucial role in the technology transformation.  We help our clients find talent, managers and IT experts, Chief Data Scientists, CIOs, CTOs, visionaries and strategists. Their diverse management styles and expertise perfectly fit the diverse needs of the organization.

Sales, Marketing & Growth Strategy Officers

Sales, Marketing & Growth Strategy Officers

Digitalization and changes in customer behavior have increased the number of touchpoints with brands. What is the result of this? Increasing customer expectations toward brands across B2C and B2B segments and new models among traditional roles in marketing, sales, strategy and communications. New tasks and the need for leaders with increasingly diverse skills have emerged.

We understand the challenges of leadership in business roles. We have extensive B2B and B2C knowledge and can approach the managers who will give the company a competitive advantage and drive the organization’s growth.

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

One of us has 40 years' experience in top management positions at a leading global pharmaceutical company.

We are able to undertake recruitment for any executive role in the pharmaceutical and medical business. We have a unique advantage combining pharmaceutical and medical business expertise with excellent knowledge of the data and AI industry. The combination of these two areas seems to be one of the upcoming megatrends.

Add to this our excellent understanding of sales roles in the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

15 years of experience in leadership recruitment for global brands


Why us?

We have several advantages that distinguish us in the market of executive search and leadership consulting services. These are the benefits you will gain by entrusting us with the implementation of recruitment and HR processes in your organization.

Our partners have between 20 and 40 years of experience, both in business consulting and as entrepreneurs and managers with global experience in the world's largest corporations.  As a result, we have a good overview on the labor market across CEE  / EMEA.

Thanks to this we have an in-depth understanding of the various skill sets and attributes required from experts in even niche business disciplines and deeply understand the full spectrum of our client's hiring requirements, including both technical skills, soft skills, and candidate personal motivations.

Let's talk

As business consultants, we have the ability to recognize different organizational cultures and understand very well the expectations of representatives of the four generations present in the labor market. We have worked with companies that were in various stages of development and know the challenges of each stage. And yet, in order to objectively assess whether a candidate's skills and attitude fit the current needs of the organization, we use psychometric tools based on machine learning algorithms from the McQuaig Institute, which has been on the market for 50 years.

Based on the data, we are able to state that 96% of the candidates hired based on the i-intro tool will work for at least one year in the organization. That's why we are one of the few to offer a 12-month guarantee on a candidate we hire.

Let's talk

We are fully committed to solving the client's problem and are focused on results rather than just taking action and getting things done. We find managers who achieve great results but are not necessarily well-known in the market.  The basis of our work is good research. Why?  To find people on the market who have the right experience and the right competencies. It is in our DNA to communicate transparently and support the client in managing the recruitment and negotiation process.

Let's talk

Management team

There are specific people behind the success of the company.

Meet the Sherpa Search partners and learn how they can support your organization.

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On the  Israeli startup culture and the future of AI with Amit Bendor

On the Israeli startup culture and the future of AI with Amit Bendor

  • 2023-03-14
  • Maciej Szczerba

Israel is known as the second Silicon Valley after the first Silicon Valley in California. To talk about the Israeli startup scene I invited a very special guest, Amit Bendor, Head of AI and Data Science at Artlist and the number one podcast host in tech in Israel.

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Czy Chiny są innowacyjne? Rozmowa o Chinach z Leszkiem Ślazykiem - część pierwsza

Czy Chiny są innowacyjne? Rozmowa o Chinach z Leszkiem Ślazykiem - część pierwsza

  • 2023-02-04
  • Maciej Szczerba

Czy gospodarka Chin jest oparta na innowacji czy kopiowaniu? Do rozmowy o tym jak wygląda chiński rynek firm technologicznych zaprosiłem Leszka Ślazyka, eksperta w tematyce Chin. Leszek Ślazyk współpracuje z Chinami od 1994 roku, jest konsultantem biznesowym, publicystą, autorem serwisu chiny24.com i podcastu „Chiny według Leszka Ślazyka”.

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+48 600 911 085

ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 5/lu8, 00-367 Warszawa

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